Tuesday, September 25, 2012

On the Brooklyn Bridge | New York City | 2009

 In July 2009 we walked across the Brooklyn bridge from Manhattan to Brooklyn.  It is a must do event!  We did not walk back as it was over 100 degrees that day! We did not explore Brooklyn since we were so tired.  Just walked the bridge with our niece's daughter named "Brooklyn", found the nearest subway station and went back. It is an all day event to walk the bridge, explore the neighborhood and then walk back. Next time we will do it right. Here are some photos I took with my Nikon D50 and Tokina 12-24mm f4 lens. I find it hard to figure out what lens to take to NYC and don't want to carry more than one!  I need an expense wide to telephoto zoom!

Nikon D50 at f/22 and 24mm.

Nikon D50 at f22 and 24 mm.

Nikon D50 at f/16 and 12mm.

Looking at Manhattan Bridge.  Nikon D50 at f/16 and 12mm.

The closet subway stop from the Staten Island ferry, where we normally enter Manhattan is the City Hall stop. Take the "R" subway there.

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