Thursday, June 7, 2012

Chinatown Photo 1 - 2009

We don't remember what street this was.  We were just randomly walking around with family members and I liked this shot, taken with a small Fuji point and shoot believe it or not.  My wife hated Chinatown and so we have not returned since.  She thought it contained too many people, seemed dirty and found nothing redeeming about it. I think it is unique if nothing else, and had some cheap shopping and probably good restaurants, but we did not eat there. I admit is was a little smelly. This photo was from 2009. One of our interests in going near that area actually was to visit the 5 Points area, made famous to me in the Scorsese film "Gangs of New York." The trouble with visiting anything historically old like 5 Points is that you just can't really get a feel for what it was like in the day, so it was a little anti-climactic.

Below is a map of the 5 points area.

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