Saturday, June 16, 2012

Midtown NYC Photo - 2009

I believe this was on the corner of Avenue of the Americas and 42nd Street, right past Bryant Park.  I had heard on NPR radio once how Bryant Park used to be a huge hangout for drug dealers and users and the city finally poured money into it to clean it up.  We could not see any remnants of such a past and it was a very nice park!  We found it fascinating how the reflections appeared in many uptown buildings at various times of the day.  Of course the New York Public Library is right there also which is a magnificent edifice. The WR Grace building is right there also which is a strange bit of architecture.  It slopes upward and inward from the ground so we had a hard time standing below it and looking up at it without getting really dizzy! A neat trick to challenge kids with.

You can get a glimpse of the WR Grace building below in the upper right corner.

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